The Electronics Products Recycling Association Raised The Built In Fees For Consumer Electronics in Nova Scotia As per the CBC, Nova Scotians looking for a new TV, printer or notebook or computer will have to pay more for these items this year. The built in cost to recycle those items when they are no longer needed is increasing. The EPRA dictates a fee that is built into all consumers electronics, which … Read more »

The U.S. might be dumping up to 20% of their electronic waste in Asia. Came across this interesting piece in Time last month. Wouldn’t you know it…but up to 20% of American E-waste might in fact be ending up in Hong Kong, of all places. The conclusion stems from an investigation by Basel Action Network (BAN), a U.S.-based NGO focused on protecting the world’s environment from toxic materials. The assessment and … Read more »

June 2015 was a busy month for us. We picked up just over 45,000 lbs. of electronic waste. That’s about 20 tons of e-waste diverted from landfills in Ottawa. You might be wondering what we collected. Well…here goes… 60% of the e-waste collected were old computer monitors and televisions. 20%  was DVD, CD and VHS players and other miscellaneous and associated e-waste of those items. 15% were old computer towers/ … Read more »