The global rate of cell phone disposal sits at 350,000 pieces a day and will undoubtedly climb The life cycle of consumer electronic products is continually decreasing – fuelled by slimmer margins and an increasing emphasis on replacement. The necessity to employ effective recycling, manufacturing and disposal tools to properly manage e-waste is at an all time high, because the planet is about to enter a period where it will … Read more »

May saw us collect just under 40,000 pounds for recycling. May was interesting for our e-waste stats! We had over 600 drop off’s over 4 full events for the month! We collected 2 whole tons of batteries, hearing aids, and even car batteries! We also recycled over 1000 lbs. of collected wires and cables! More importantly, we’ve been working with a great charity called Their Opportunity, who provide low-income families … Read more »

It’s true when they say “they don’t make ’em like they used too!” Well, we saw the truth in this for April! We saw a lot of CRT televisions dropped off that were still working great. Unfortunately, compared to today’s flat screens, which are light and compact – they don’t stack up anymore and simply take up space. Certain television models are more to repair than to replace. This is the … Read more »

2016 ended up being our most successful year with respect to our e-waste events. Without a doubt, 2016 was our busiest year in E-waste. We hosted a total of 23 events for all of last year, with a record of just over 5500 drops offs, and an average of about 250 people per event. We collected and recycled a grand total of 184.5 tons (369,000 lbs) of e-waste from the 23 events. … Read more »

“Art is a great way for the public and volunteers to get into environmentalism.” The Gowanus E-Waste Warehouse—a part of the Lower East Side Ecology Center – is doing something very, very cool. Yazmine Mihojevich, one of the warehouse’s program directors, organized something called “Excavation Wednesday”. It’s an event that allows members of the public to come to the facility and disassemble donated e-waste in an effort to educate the citizenry on … Read more »