Summer came and went. Besides some wonky weather, this was a busy season for us. We hosted 4 e-waste events in July. We collected just under 50,000 lbs. of electroncis and gadgets with over 750 drop offs. August saw us collect just over 26,000 lbs. of discarded items with just over 400 drop offs. Year to date, our recycled electronics stats from our local e-waste events is sitting at 245,000 lbs. … Read more »

The global rate of cell phone disposal sits at 350,000 pieces a day and will undoubtedly climb The life cycle of consumer electronic products is continually decreasing – fuelled by slimmer margins and an increasing emphasis on replacement. The necessity to employ effective recycling, manufacturing and disposal tools to properly manage e-waste is at an all time high, because the planet is about to enter a period where it will … Read more »

India and the Chinese Smartphone Maker Get Serious About Tackling A Mounting Issue With E-Waste Xiaomi India has complied with India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests E-waste Rules and launched an initiative to take back and recycle unused and old products. All people have to do is head to Xiaomi India’s website and fill out a form. The company will arrange a pick up of the e-waste (product) that the user wants to … Read more »

Looking to remove junk from your residence or office? Book online, check out our pricing, or contact us!   Our First Two Events Of 2017 Kept Almost 40,000 lbs of E-Waste Out Of Landfills! We held our first two e-waste events of 2017. Our first was March 18th at the Good Shepherd Church in Orleans. We had just under 400 cars roll through the event between 10-4 p.m. We collected over 25000 lbs. of e-waste in 7hrs!! (That’s … Read more »

2016 ended up being our most successful year with respect to our e-waste events. Without a doubt, 2016 was our busiest year in E-waste. We hosted a total of 23 events for all of last year, with a record of just over 5500 drops offs, and an average of about 250 people per event. We collected and recycled a grand total of 184.5 tons (369,000 lbs) of e-waste from the 23 events. … Read more »

The U.S. might be dumping up to 20% of their electronic waste in Asia. Came across this interesting piece in Time last month. Wouldn’t you know it…but up to 20% of American E-waste might in fact be ending up in Hong Kong, of all places. The conclusion stems from an investigation by Basel Action Network (BAN), a U.S.-based NGO focused on protecting the world’s environment from toxic materials. The assessment and … Read more »

The world has an electronic waste problem. This isn’t news, and we’ve been talking about this kind of thing for a while. Environmental Handling Fees (EHFs) are charged on the sale and distribution of all new electronic products regulated in Ontario. Paid at the time of purchase, the fee reflects the actual program cost to collect, transport and responsibly recycle each electronic category the end of its useful life. The … Read more »

Here it is. Our full E-waste schedule for 2015, but first, maybe some clarification is required…. What is an E-waste event? Electronic E-waste round up events are put on by Junk That Funk in efforts to reduce recyclable materials ending up landfills. E-waste round up events are designed to be a hassle free drop off site where you can assure your items will be 100% recycled! At our free drop … Read more »