400 000 lbs. of Electronic Waste Was Collected And Diverted From Landfills 2017 shaped up to be a pretty massive year from us in terms of total e-waste roundup. We had over 6400 drop off’s of unused electronics from March- November for the full year’s scheduled events. Our biggest month last year was November –  where we recycled just under 100,000 lbs. of e-waste, most of which consisted of old televisions and … Read more »

Summer came and went. Besides some wonky weather, this was a busy season for us. We hosted 4 e-waste events in July. We collected just under 50,000 lbs. of electroncis and gadgets with over 750 drop offs. August saw us collect just over 26,000 lbs. of discarded items with just over 400 drop offs. Year to date, our recycled electronics stats from our local e-waste events is sitting at 245,000 lbs. … Read more »

It’s true when they say “they don’t make ’em like they used too!” Well, we saw the truth in this for April! We saw a lot of CRT televisions dropped off that were still working great. Unfortunately, compared to today’s flat screens, which are light and compact – they don’t stack up anymore and simply take up space. Certain television models are more to repair than to replace. This is the … Read more »

February 10th was a sad day in Ottawa…. Ottawa’s Plasco Energy Group filed for creditor protection and eliminated 80 jobs in nation’s capital, in an effort to restructure. Only 25 employees will remain through the course of this transition and the Trail Rd. facility will no longer operate. This is the latest in a series of challenges for Plasco, which was attempting to build a plant to convert municipal waste to energy. … Read more »

Bait & Switch: a sales tactic in which a customer is attracted by the advertisement of a low-priced item but is then encouraged to buy a higher-priced one In this case, it’s less of encouragement to purchase something of a higher value, and more like just fraud. Late last year, a Vancouver franchisee of a junk removal company was caught on camera overcharging customers by a significant percentage. Amy Savoie … Read more »

Orange Drop is a provincial initiative aiming at curbing or eliminating the number of hazardous materials being disposed of in Ontario’s landfills, or poured down sewer drains. Fully funded by industry, the province wide array of drop off sites accept nine materials. The program’s website gives a glimpse into some interesting facts and statistics about the kinds of things Ontarians don’t dispose of properly. The Orange Drop program safely manages nine materials to … Read more »

Canada is a vast expanse. We’re rich in natural landscape, unfettered by the encroachment of civilization. We live in a massive country with a tremendous amount of boreal forest and nature. Unfortunately, as a nation, we have some issues with trashing our woods and forests. The CBC published a very interesting article on this last week, and it’s a bit sobering to say the least. They even included a series … Read more »